“Brown County Public Health is very excited about the opportunities this grant will provide to improve the health and well-being of the residents in our community. We look forward to working with Hearts Beat Back: The Heart of New Ulm Project (HONU) to create policies, systems and an environment that promotes healthy lifestyles that will lead to the prevention of chronic disease and make our community an even better place to live, work, and play."
-- Karen Moritz, Public Health director for Brown County
About Brown County
The Heart of Brown County Project is made possible through a federal grant to the Minneapolis Heart Institute Foundation (MHIF).
The grant is a part of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) Community Transformation Grants (CTG) to support public health efforts to reduce chronic diseases, promote healthier lifestyles, reduce health disparities and control health care spending in small communities. The funds are designed to support areas with fewer than 500,000 people.
MHIF and Brown County Public Health are using the funding over a two-year period to expand two elements of HONU countywide. Specifically, the Heart of Brown County is working to:
1) Promote increasing physical activity levels of county residents by educating residents on the health, economic and safety benefits associated with Complete Streets
2) Expand HONU’s SWAP IT to DROP IT campaign to Sleepy Eye and Springfield. The campaign helps people make small changes (SWAPs) every day that can help them lose weight and improve their health. The original campaign in New Ulm ran from September 2012 to April 2013 and partnered with five convenience stores, two grocery stores and 13 restaurants. The campaign is now being expanded to five convenience stores and a grocery store in the Sleepy Eye and Springfield communities.
News Articles
SWAP IT to DROP IT when eating out
The Sleepy Eye Herald-Dispatch - Apr. 12, 2014.
Council OKs South Garden Street Project
The Journal - Mar. 19, 2014.
Complete Street Recommendations Accepted by Park and Rec
The Journal - Mar. 11, 2014
Nudge yourself towards healthier snacks with SWAPs
Sleepy Eye News - Feb. 2, 2014
SWAP IT to DROP IT -- Have you noticed extra calories have slipped into your days?
Sleepy Eye News - Jan. 2, 2014
The holidays are a great time to concentrate on healthy eating
Sleepy Eye News - Nov. 27, 2013
SWAPing prevents weight gain during the holidays
Sleepy Eye News - Nov. 17, 2013
Healthy SWAPS and support key for weight loss success
Sleepy Eye News - Oct. 6, 2013
Campaign promotes healthy eating
Sleepy Eye News - Jun. 9, 2013
SWAP IT to DROP IT Healthy Beverage SWAP Tips
Sleepy Eye News - Jun. 21, 2013
Knowing when sports, energy drinks at the right choice
Sleepy Eye News - Jul. 19, 2013
Heart of Brown County Project offering free grocery store tours
Sleepy Eye News - Aug 25, 2021